SSSP IE division business meeting July 20, 2023 12-1 PST Attendees: Katie Koralesky, Colin Hastings, Kelly Kay, Janet Rankin, Eric Mykhalovsky, Mitchell McLarnon, Suzanne Vaughn, Naomi Nichols, Helen Hudson, Cheryl Zurawski, Paul Luken, Anna Rockhill, Jayne Malenfant, Kate Melino, Jeff Sabo, Sarah Cullingham, LaNysha Adams, Frank Ridzi, Sarah Cullingham Agenda 1. Introduction of incoming Division Chair Katie Koralesky 2. 2023 IE Workshop * In-person on the Monday (August 21) following the conference. You can still register! * Eric Mykhalovsky will provide a keynote address. * The goal will then be to discuss IE projects and provide support to people doing IE based on their needs. * During the conference, we can all make note of ideas and questions that come up in sessions and discuss them in the workshop. 2023 Conference Zoom discussion * SSSP has some concerns about using Zoom to broadcast sessions, but accessibility is important. * We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of providing Zoom links. In 2022, the Zoom sessions were done live and somewhat “do-it-yourself”. Colin suggested that if chairs and presenters are comfortable, they can feel free to do this. Colin can help to distribute Zoom links to the SSSP IE division email list during the conference. The IE division cannot profit off of people attending via Zoom, however some expressed that this might be an option. Finally, if you need accommodation for the 2023 conference, Colin can help facilitate making connections between people looking for accommodation. Please reach out to Colin! 3. Organization of 2024 Paper panels, roundtables, and critical dialogues * Montreal * Theme: Toward a sociology of violence * Broadly, we discussed 1) how many sessions to have 2) how to anticipate the number of people that might be coming and 3) the importance of recruiting people including French speaking academics given the location of the conference. * We discussed IE sessions and identified three core sessions: 1. Teaching in IE: Suzanne and Eric will chair. This can be presented as a critical dialogue. The focus will be teaching IE at the undergraduate level. 2. Theme specific: Jayne and Helen will chair: Everyday Experiences of State Violence. 3. New directions in IE: Standard session for diverse topics People also offered to organize the following four co-sponsored sessions: 1. Frank Ridzi: Critical dialogue “activist café” with Community Research and Development division. 2. Lauren Eastwood: Environmental activism and technology with Environmental division. 3. Naomi: Theorized versus everyday experiences of violence. Could do this with Educational Problems. 4. LaNysha: Session with Educational Problems We discussed a few other potential sessions to add if necessary: 1. Institutional Ethnographies of Health and Wellness (with Health, Health Policy, and Health Services) 2. Intertextuality, Media, and the Social Organization of Knowledge with Social Problems or another division 3. As well, we could have two sections of the same session depending on how many papers are submitted Broad discussion about the conference How many sessions to have? * We discussed “less is more” as one approach so that the sessions are specifically focused on IE. This will also depend on who is organizing the sessions How many people will be coming to Montreal? * We discussed that there might be more Canadians attending. * Will there be more European researchers attending? * How can we recruit these researchers to come? * How can we recruit researchers from other sociology departments that may not be doing IE specifically but use Smith’s work? French component * We discussed the importance of including French researchers and language at this conference. Colin will ask the conference organizers about their plans for this. Mitchell, Helen and Jayne speak French and offered to help facilitate these efforts. Colin suggested forming a specific committee on this. Overall, the goal was to have good IE focused sessions, and provide spaces for people to present their work and discuss IE with others. As well, if we do recruitment, this needs to be done meaningfully and with intention. 4. Organization of 2024 Award Committees * Student paper competition: Student in grad studies publishing an original piece of work. Make sure criteria are specific and detailed. Jayne and Colin volunteered. * Scholar activism: Sometimes given to people in the geographic region where the conference is taking place. Frank volunteered to serve. Eric also volunteered. No nominations this year. * We also discussed the important of recruiting people to nominate others for these awards and submit their papers. This is part of the work we can do as a division as well. 5. 2024 IE Workshop * Mitchell, Jayne and Lauren are interested in planning Naomi has volunteered to help support one committee.