SSSP Gender, Sexual Behavior, Politics, and Communities Division Annual Meeting Friday, November 1st, 2024, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (PST), Zoom ________________ Present: Ellen Benoit, Rafia, Melinda Chen, Hannah Regan, Keri Spiller, alithia zamantakis, Meghna Bhat, Lloyd Klein, Eden Nay, Jason Dotson, Pallavi Banerjee, Jennifer Carpenter, Ying-Chao Kao ________________ Meeting Minutes 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Merger Updates 1. alithia provided updates about the transition vis-a-vis sustaining the budget for the conferences etc/ retaining memberships and conference attendance/ the consolidation of sponsored sessions 2. Our co-chair structure: alithia and Meghna will serve as co-chairs with Meghna stepping back in August 2025. The co-chair model is meant to be an equitable representation of how the labor is divided amongst the division leadership. Hopefully other divisions can use/continue this co-chair model. 3. Members raised questions regarding the number of sessions and awards and budget with the merger, as well as disappointment with the two being merged after voting to establish a gender division. 4. Meghna shared that we are still trying to figure out the process. SSSP admin have been very helpful and patient but it’s been a needle in a haystack process. We are still working on clarifying the budget for 2024 to ensure that our prior two agreed upon budgets are honored. Good news is that our budget was increased to $900 for 2025 and 2026. 5. Members discussed the importance of having awards for both gender scholarship and sexualities scholarship, and discussed whether it made sense to allocate more money to the student award than the scholar award. Some argued that students need the money more, but that may not be the case for precariously appointed faculty/post-graduate workers. However, everyone agreed that it is nice to have plaques, as cash comes and goes but plaques do not. 6. We are still figuring out the process for rotating book and article awards, but it is important that books are recognized in this process. 3. Request for award reviewers for the student paper award and the outstanding scholarship award 1. We are requesting reviewers for award committees. January 15th is the due date for the scholarship award and January 31st for the student paper award, so the review committee would meet late January through early April. 2. Please email alithia and Meghna if you are willing to serve 3. Hannah Regan volunteered for the student award 4. Jennifer Carpenter and Eden Nay volunteered for either award 5. Lloyd Klein volunteered to chair one committee and review for the other 4. Social Media 1. LinkedIn, Facebook, Slack, and Instagram were suggested as social media for us to create accounts for 2. Ying-Chao raised the importance of considering cultural humility and communities for reach when thinking of social media. 3. We will work with Rafia to create and distribute these accounts to the membership 5. Division Budget 2024-2025 Budget Item Amount Stipend to Division Newsletter Editor $300 Cash award to the student paper competition winner $350 Plaque for student paper honorable mention $50 Cash award to the outstanding scholarship award winner $250 Plaque to outstanding scholarship award winner and honorable mention $100 Division-sponsored reception at the annual meeting $150 Social media coordinator stipend $50 Total $1200 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 Budget Item Amount Stipend to Division Newsletter Editor $200 Graduate Student Paper Competition ($100 cash award x 2 + $200 for 1 SSSP student membership, conference registration, and plaque to cover the additional cost of 2 awards) $400 Outstanding Scholarship Award Winner ($50 cash award x 2) $100 Division-sponsored reception at the annual meeting $100 Social media coordinator stipend $100 Total $900 6. Division elections 1. We are seeking nominations for co-chair for 2025-2027 2. Members can read more about the roles and responsibilities here: 3. It is most labor intensive during and after the annual conference but apart from that is more spaced out 4. Jason Dotts is potentially interested 5. We need 3 nominations, so please consider nominating yourself and sharing out with others 7. Q&A 1. Question from Ellen: Are there are only 3 division-sponsored sessions for 2025? 1. Answer: There are additional co-sponsored sessions. See here: 2. If you have ideas for future sessions, please email Meghna and alithia so we can start collecting this list ________________ Action Items: * alithia and Meghna: * Email Jason to see if he’s interested in running for co-chair * Follow up with reviewers and send out email requesting more * All * Consider nominating yourself or others for co-chair * Volunteer for the award review committees