07/24/2024 Annual Business Meeting Attendees: Miltonette Craig, Watoii Rabii, Marta Maldonado, Korey Tillman, Rafia Mallick, Bobby Smith III, Jason Smith Related PowerPoint here The CRES business meeting took place on Wednesday July 24th, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Watoii at 2:02pm. 1. Intro (15 minute) a. Watoii welcome the new incoming CRES Co-Chair: Marta Maldonado. b. Marta shared some words with attendees. 2. Watoii provided a reminder about this year’s conference theme and sponsored sessions (5 minutes) a. Sessions for this year’s meetings were discussed. ? Session 005: Violent Environments: Empire and Colonial Legacies ? Session 009: Bodies for Sale: Use of Humans and Animals for Entertainment ? Session 019: Curricular Violence: White Supremacist Silencing in Education ? Session 048: Critical Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Session 060: Critical Dialogue: Anti-Violence and Violence: Counter-hegemony from Subversive to Revolutionary ? Session 086: Institutional Inequalities and Violence ? Session 110: Author Meets Critics: Behind Crimmigration: ICE, Law Enforcement, and Resistance in America by Felicia Arriaga, The University of North Carolina Press, 2023 3. Discuss division’s proposed budget (5 minutes) a. The budget for next year was discussed. b. Budget $600 c. Help us with newsletter ($120) 4. Brainstorm topics for next year’s sessions (10 minutes) a. Brainstorming for our next year's sessions was conducted after a discussion of next year’s meeting theme “Insurgent Sociology in a Time of Crises”. Below are some of the themes: ? South Asian Immigrant Integration ? Imperial Policing and Counterinsurgency ? Resistance: Theorizing Resistance (Thematic) ? Implications and Effects of 2024 Election Results ? Border Violence and Embodied Border Logics ? Secession and White Supremacist Marches ? Gaza Crisis ? Response to Student Protests/Youth Movement ? Response in the United States 5. Awards (10 minute) a. Student Paper Award winner: Abass Muhammed - “Broken Bond or Resilient Threads: Understanding Social Cohesion in Black American Streets” b. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva Outstanding Book Award: B. Brian Naa Oyo A. Kwate - White Burgers, Black Cash: Fast Food from Black Exclusion to Exploitation c. Honorable mention: Bobby J. Smith II - Food Power Politics: The Food Story of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement d. Kimberlé Crenshaw Outstanding Article Award: Korey Tillman - “Carceral Liberalism: The Coloniality and Anti Blackness of Coercive Benevolence” e. Honorable mention: Alicia Smith-Tran - “There’s the Black Woman Thing, and There’s the Age Thing”: Professional Black Women on the Downsides of “Black Don’t Crack” and Strategies for Confronting Ageism at Work” 6. Marta discussed networking plans for the division. The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 pm.