SSSP Drugs and Drinking Section Meeting – July 8, 2024 Attendance: David Frank Andrew Burns Joshua Stout Ellen Benoit Sam Friedman Dina Perrone * Alex Bennett (not attending) mentioned to David the name of 2025 SSSP “Insurgent Sociology in a Time of Crisis” fails to include non-sociologists (e.g., anthropologists). * Discussion of SSSP 2025 Chicago Sections. o Sam: epidemiology, overdose prevention, and ending the overdose crisis. * What would it really take to solve the overdose epidemic in the United States? o Ellen: suggests survivors (participant science, autoethnography)? * Discussion of CITI training for citizen scientists. * Dina: possible title “Doing Community Participatory Action Research with People who Use Drugs.” * Sam: reverse it, “People who use drugs doing community action research.” * Joshua: mutual aid reference can be useful in broadening interests. o David suggests including a drug sale or drug trade as a research topic. * Joshua suggests considering it being connected with globalization. * Sam suggested including historic perspective. o Drew: Medicalization of Psychedelics o Dina: 75 Years of SSSP, 75 Years of Drug War Research * Dina suggest we need to work to increase graduate award. Ended meeting with discussion about plans to discuss Chicago planning further while in Montreal.