SSSP Health, Health Policy, & Health Services Division Agenda and Minutes for Informal, Virtual Division Meeting 2:00 p.m. EST June 4, 2024 Zoom link: Members present: Yuying Shen, Ginger Berndt, Meredith Van Natta, Eleanor Lewis, Josh Seim, Erica Jablonski Call to Order: 2:07pm 1) Announcements * Reminder - call for newsletter submissions (Send to * Eleanor Lewis to send Congressionally Mandated Report information, Congressional Tracking Reports information, and Questions for the Record to include in the Division letter for our Division’s awareness of the interplay of health policy, health services, and health. * Erica asked about whether accepted and forthcoming publications are suitable for newsletter - Ginger confirmed that such submissions are welcomed and encouraged. * Call for photos from SSSP 2023 to share in newsletter 2) Recognition of Division Members * Yuying Shen, outgoing Division Co-Chair * Raja Staggers-Hakim incoming Division Co-Chair (2024-2026) * Josh Seim and Meredith Van Natta, 2024 Outstanding Scholarship Award Co-Winners * Elizabeth M. Anderson, 2024 Graduate Student Paper Award Winner 3) Nominations for Division Positions * Graduate Student Paper Award Committee members * Josh Seim (either/or committee where needed) * Outstanding Scholarship Award Committee members * Meredith Van Natta, Josh Seim (either/or committee where needed), Yuying Shen * Newsletter editor * Co-Chair to begin in August 2025 (2025-2027 term) – nominations accepted through November 2024 4) 2024 Annual Meeting Updates * Information about (co)sponsored sessions and in-person Division Business meeting * Session 009: Bodies for Sale: Use of Humans and Animals for Entertainment (Friday, August 9 @ 12:30pm) * Session 023: Alternatives to Policing (Friday, August 9 @ 2:30pm) * Health Division Business Meeting (Friday, August 9 @ 4:30pm) * Session 035: Global Health, Climate, Inequality and Environment I (Friday, August 9 @ 4:30pm) * Session 053: Global Health, Climate, Inequality and Environment II (Saturday, August 10 @ 10:30am) * Session 062: PAPERS IN THE ROUND: Bodily Autonomy and Health (Saturday, August 10 @ 12:30pm) * Session 070: Structural Determinants of Health and Legal Needs (Saturday, August 10 @ 2:30pm) * Session 089: CRITICAL DIALOGUE: The Changing Impact of Technologies on Mental Health (Sunday, August 11 @ 10:30am) * Session 101: Reproductive Justice (Sunday, August 11 @ 12:30pm) * Session 111: The Social Organization of Medical Violence (Sunday, August 11 @ 2:30pm) * Meredith mentioned Session 020: CRITICAL DIALOGUE: Agenda for Social Justice: Active Agents for the Future - Meredith presenting on immigrant health access (Friday @ 2:30pm) 5) 2025 Annual Meeting Planning * Discuss potential sole- and co-sponsored sessions for 2025 meeting * Disasters and health (Ginger) * Community engagement and mental health equity (Yuying) * Gig economy and effects on health (Erica) * State policies and reproductive autonomy (Eleanor) * Harm reduction access and the law (Eleanor) * Call for volunteers to organize sessions 6) Review of 2025 Division budget * Scholarship award - honorarium change? (Brought up at 2023 virtual meeting) * Possibility of allocating MORE funds to Graduate Student Paper Award winner than Scholarship Award winner(s) * Possibility of allocating ALL funds from Scholarship Award to Graduate Student Award * Josh asked about what other divisions do in this regard – Erica (co-chair-elect) will ask about Sociology and Social Welfare’s awards allocation 7) Other Business * Erica asked about the procedure for selecting/finalizing session ideas. Ginger explained the process. Adjourned: 1:51pm