SSSP Law and Society Division 2024 Business Meeting Minutes Monday, July 1, 2024 6:00PM ET | Held Via Zoom Attendance: Catherine Hastings (Chair) Michael Branch (Chair-Elect) Jacinta Gau (Vice Chair) Asad Asad Amani Awwad Miltonette Craigh Sino Vazbakattan Esthappan Brian Gran Jacqueline Johnson Aliu Oladimeji Shodunke Agenda: 1. Review of minutes from 2023 division business meeting a. No changes made; no comments from members 2. Session ideas for the 2025 SSSP annual meeting program a. Annual meeting will be held in Chicago b. Discussed panel types and how many sessions a division can sponsor c. Tentative ideas for division-sponsored sessions: i. Law as Emergent Crisis ii. Law as Crisis, with an international focus iii. Supreme Court as a Social Problem d. Tentative ideas for co-sponsored sessions: i. Generational shifts in views of laws e. Suggestion for the division to bring in a local practitioner or activist to engage with division members on a panel i. Briefly discussed pros and cons of this kind of panel and how to organize them f. Brief discussion on the role of round tables at the meeting i. These sessions do not typically get submissions. For our division, they have often been a “life raft” where papers in the repository can be “rescued” ii. If presenters cancel at the last minute, the session usually gets cancelled since there’s typically no audience for round tables 3. Ideas for special activities of the divisions a. Division can host workshops before and/or after the meeting, but it is an extra cost to participants b. Workshops tend to sell out, so there’s interest in participating c. Law and Society had not done one but is soliciting topic ideas i. Workshop plans have to be submitted at least a year and sometimes two years in advance ii. Challenge of getting people to come to the conference a day early or stay a day later given other costs and considerations 4. Announcement of winners of awards sponsored by the division a. Alfred R. Lindesmith Paper Award Winner: "Legitimating strategies: Pretrial risk assessments and the logics of data-driven judicial discretion", Sino Esthappan, Northwestern University b. Alfred R. Lindesmith Paper Award Highly Commended: "Stop and Sexual Assault?: How Police Searches Become Legally Authorized Sexual Violence", Brandon Alston, Northwestern University c. Alfred R. Lindesmith Paper Award Honorable Mention: “Reconceptualizing Eviction: Examining the Violent Dynamics against Tenants”, Natalie Cholula, Portland State University, and Minji Cho, Portland State University d. Edward H. Sutherland Book Award Winner: Engage and Evade, Asad Asad e. Edward H. Sutherland Book Award Honorable Mention: The Colour of Asylum: The Racial Politics of Safe Haven in Brazil, Katherine Jensen f. Edward H. Sutherland Book Award Honorable Mention: Recovering Identity: Criminalized Women’s Fight for Dignity and Freedom, Chez Rumpf 5. Recruitment of members for the divisions a. SSSP is considering consolidating divisions i. Membership across divisions is down and administrative costs to maintain them are up ii. Nominations for awards are sparse in many other divisions, though our division does not have that problem b. Suggestion that SSSP needs to become more truly international to boost membership and awards 6. Division leadership a. Discussed challenges that emerge from how term limits work i. Each person can only serve one two-year term, causing frequent turnover, hampering long-term division goals, and creating a constant need for new volunteers b. Recruitment of new members to the division is needed both to boost membership and expand the pool available for leadership positions 7. 2025 division budget a. Brief update on division’s budget and how money has been allocated b. No volunteers for social media coordinator, so money may be put toward paper awards instead 8. Representation at the in-person SSSP meeting in Montreal a. Michael Branch will be able to attend the division chairs meetings in Montreal to represent the division 9. Any other business a. Brief discussion of hosting periodic virtual workshops or presentations particularly focused on publishing and other issues of import to junior scholars