Gender Division SSSP Newsletter ​​December 2021 ​ Letter from the Chair Dear Members of the Gender Division, It is my pleasure to serve as Chair of the Gender Division of SSSP! I appreciate the space the organization and division provide to unite scholars, activists, and policy makers to collaborate on working toward global gender justice. I am honored to lead the section and look forward to an exciting and productive year with all of you. I am particularly grateful for Gianna Follo for serving as the inaugural Chair of the Division and facilitating a smooth transition. I hope to advance the vision for the Gender Division as a transformative space where intersectionally diverse members feel welcome and supported to engage in critical dialogue and action to promote radical social change. I am looking forward to the upcoming meeting in Los Angeles in August 2022 where I hope we can engage in productive conversations and establish meaningful connections to foster this work. The Gender Division is sponsoring and co-sponsoring ten sessions at the meeting, which you can view here Please consider submitting your abstracts to our sessions on or before the January 15, 2022 deadline. In addition to our sessions, we are also accepting submissions for our Graduate Student Paper Award Competition. Please see our announcement here and submit your paper on or before the January 15, 2022 deadline. This is an excellent mechanism for honoring intersectional feminist work. I am also hoping to create greater opportunities for active engagement and leadership among the division members. To that end, we are creating two new leadership positions. A Vice Chair will provide energy and ideas for the section while gaining professional development, mentoring and knowledge about professional organizations. A Social Media Coordinator will create and maintain a social media presence for the division to facilitate engagement among members. Both position announcements are described in greater detail below. Please consider nominating yourself or a colleague for these positions. We are also seeking volunteers to serve on our Graduate Student Paper Award Committee. This is a great opportunity to advance intersectional feminist scholarship while gaining important professional experience. Please email me at by January 15, 2022 if you are willing to serve in this important role. I can’t wait to see everyone at the 2022 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles! I’m looking forward to an exciting and productive year. Shannon K. Carter She/Her Professor and Associate Chair Department of Sociology, University of Central Florida Call for Nominations: Vice Chair The Gender Division seeks nominations for a Vice Chair for the division. The ideal nominee is a graduate student or early career scholar or activist who will gain professional benefit from the mentoring and experience of serving in the position. The Vice Chair will become familiar with the organization’s operations and facilitate decision making with the membership and the Chair. Please send your nominations to Shannon Carter at by February 15, 2022. Self-nominations are particularly encouraged. All nominees must be current members of the Gender Division. The Election Process There must be at least two nominees for each division office. Nominees must be current division members to accept nominations. After nominations are submitted to the Administrative Office by the Division Chair, candidates will be asked to complete an online candidate form which includes biographical information that appears on the ballot under their name. Candidates will be given two weeks to complete this task. If a candidate does not submit the form by the deadline their name will appear on the ballot with the following notation: Candidate did not provide biographical information. The actual election process will be handled by the Administrative Office. Election notification will be sent by e-mail from the Administrative Office when voting is opened. At least four weeks will be allowed from the opening of the election website to receive votes before the voting is closed. The election website will include a link to candidate qualifications. The Administrative Office will monitor the computer tabulation of votes and will report any irregularities to Division Officers and to the Board of Directors. A majority of votes cast will be necessary to elect any Division Officer. If there are more nominees for an office and there is not a clear majority, a run-off election will be held between the two candidates receiving the most votes. The same election procedures described above will be followed for the run-off election. The Administrative Officer will advise the Chair in writing who the winner is. The Chair will have the responsibility of advising, in writing, the candidates of the results. More details on the election process can be viewed here. Call for Volunteers Social Media Coordinator The Gender Division seeks a volunteer to fill the position of Social Media Coordinator. The Social Media Coordinator will create and maintain a social media presence for the division. The ideal Coordinator will have at least personal experience with social media and be a graduate student or early career scholar or activist who will gain professional benefit from serving in the position. Members who are interested in the position should email Shannon Carter at by January 31, 2022 with a brief statement of interest in the position and social media experience. Graduate Student Paper Award Competition Committee The Gender Division seeks volunteers to serve on the Graduate Student Paper Award Competition Committee. This is a great opportunity to advance intersectional feminist scholarship while gaining important professional experience. Members who are willing to serve in this capacity should email Shannon Carter at by January 15, 2022 indicating their willingness to volunteer. Spotlight: Last Year’s Paper Award Paper Title: Let’s (Re)Tweet about Racism and Sexism: Responses to Cyber Aggression toward Black and Asian Women Author: Paulina d. C. Inara Rodis, Provost Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania Abstract: Online, anyone’s words can easily be amplified – and on Twitter, the platform’s algorithm highlights tweets that gain attention from other users, which can exponentially reinforce a tweet’s popularity. Moreover, retweets can help spread a message well beyond the reach of its original poster. Thus, users’ interactions with posts containing or making reference to racism or sexism both illuminate the ways individuals accept, challenge, or engage with racism and sexism online, and shape how those messages spread. Using an original dataset of 59.5 million tweets, I test how particular features of messages referencing Black and Asian women predict user engagement (retweets, likes, and replies). This analysis further focuses on messages including terms that express racist or sexist content. Generally, messages including covert racist or sexist insults have a modest positive effect on all measures of user engagement (retweets, likes, and replies), which may suggest that social media environments allow individuals the time and opportunity to contend with topics that can be more difficult in-person. Additionally, variations in engagement with tweets that include references to women, Black or Asian individuals implies that users respond differently to messages involving references to and normative images of different racial, ethnic, and gendered identities. This research illuminates how specific manifestations of racialized and gendered language referencing women, Black and Asian people can not only encourage more engagement, but also share, accept, or challenge messages about marginalized identities. Citation for Published Paper: Inara Rodis, Paulina d. C. 2021. “Let’s (Re)Tweet about Racism and Sexism: Responses to Cyber Aggression toward Black and Asian Women.” Information, Communication & Society 24(14):2153–73. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2021.1962948. Quick Bio: Paulina d. C. Inara Rodis is a Provost Postdoctoral Fellow for Academic Diversity through the Office of the Vice Provost for Research in the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. Inara Rodis earned her Ph.D. in sociology at Pennsylvania State University in 2021, where she also earned her MA in Sociology and Demography. Her research interests focus on the interconnection between social identities and close relationships, racism, sexism, social networks, and social media. She published work in Information, Communication, and Society, Socius, Sex Roles, Advances in Gender Research, and Sociology of Education. Email: Honorable Mentions Paper Award Honorable Mention: “(Un)Veiled Expectations: Muslimah Influencers and the Politics of Dejabbing on Social Media,” Inaash Islam, Virginia Tech Paper Award Honorable Mention: “Masculine Distinction: Family Formation and the Emergence of Class Identities in Post-communist Vietnam,” Phung N. Su, University of California, Berkeley Opportunities Gender Division Student Paper Award The Gender Division announces the 2022 Graduate Student Paper Competition. Papers may be empirical and/or theoretical and may be on any aspect of gender broadly defined. The winner will receive a cash award of $200, a plaque of recognition, student membership in SSSP for 2022, and complimentary registration for the 2022 annual meeting to help the winner attend the meeting. The winner will be invited to present the winning paper at one of the Gender sessions at the 2022 SSSP Annual Meeting. All submitting authors are required to submit their papers through the annual meeting Call for Papers process as a condition for consideration for the award. Please submit your paper to be considered for the Gender Division Graduate Student Paper Competition electronically as a Microsoft Word or PDF file to Shannon Carter at Paper submission must be dated (via electronic time/date stamp and postmark) on or before 1/15/22. Community Research and Development Division Community Partner Paper The Community Research and Development Division announces its 2022 Community Partner Paper Competition. Consistent with our division’s mission, this paper award is intended to recognize rigorous academic work that has practical implications for members of marginalized communities and specifically, to celebrate community-engaged work. Paper topics can focus on various social issues and problems related to community, such as the causes and consequences of communities’ exclusion or marginalization from processes and resources, the capacities and strengths of communities and community movements, and the development and changes within communities. To be eligible for the award, the author(s) must make a commitment to present the paper at a session during the 2022 SSSP Annual Meeting in Los Angeles. To be considered, submit (a) a copy of the manuscript, (b) a cover letter specifying that the paper is to be considered in the Community Research and Development Division Community Partner Paper Competition, and (c) a brief letter from the community partner commenting on his or her role in the paper. All materials must be submitted electronically to the Annual Meeting Call for Papers on the SSSP conference website by January 15, 2022 and also sent to the Committee Chair, Matthew H. McLeskey, at The winner will receive a $100 cash award and a plaque of recognition at the Community Research and Development Division business meeting. Student Paper Competitions and Outstanding Scholarship Awards Each year the SSSP Divisions hold student paper competitions relating to each of their specific topic areas and interests. These awards recognize students for their outstanding scholarship in their respective fields. The Divisions are pleased to announce the 2022 Student Paper Competitions and Outstanding Scholarship Awards. 2022 Annual Meeting The Sociological Reimagination: From Moments to Momentum The Board of Directors approved an “in-person only” meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone after not having an in-person meeting for two years. We will follow CDC recommendations at the time of the meeting and respect all laws or regulations in Los Angeles and at the conference hotel governing meetings/mass gatherings. By joining SSSP and registering for meetings, members of SSSP agree to comply with the Liability Waiver and the Anti-Harassment Policy. The Call for Papers submission deadline is 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on January 15, 2022. Gender Division Sessions to Attend Gender and Political/Social Change - Organized by Shirley A. Jackson Teaching CJ: Illustrating Gendered Experiences of Criminal Justice Entanglement - Organized by Cynthia Baiqing Zhang Feminist Disability Studies: New Challenges and Opportunities - Organized by Alan Santinele Martino and Tiffany Boulton. Gender and Embodiment - Organized by Janelle M Pham Gender and Methodology - Organized by Giovanna Follo Gender and Social Justice: Ongoing Pandemic Reflections - Organized by Meghna Bhat Gender and Violence in Global Perspective - Organized by Diana Therese Montejo Veloso Gender and Work - Organized by Tracy L. Vargas and Kyla Walters Queer, Trans*, and Gender(ed) Lived Realities - Organized by Hayden J. and Rick Braatz Regulating Sexuality and Gender Identity over the Life Course - Organized by Julia Kay Wolf Member Accomplishments & Publications Bhat, M. (2021).Feminist Critique of the Representation of Motherhood and Masculinity in Bollywood Cinema: Implications of Gender Violence in the Indian Diaspora. Global Perspectives on Motherhood, Mothering and Masculinities. Demeter Press. Carter, Shannon K., Ashley Stone, Lain Graham, and Jonathan M. Cox. (2021). “Creating Intersectional Subjects: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Health Science Breastfeeding Research.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 2332649220981097. Cossyleon, J. E. (2021). Restorative Kinship: How a Local Movement of Women of Color Transforms Family Relationships. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 42(2), 1-25. Milne, E. (2021). Criminal Justice Responses to Maternal Filicide: Judging the Failed Mother. Emerald Group Publishing. Pham, Janelle M. 2021. "'Force Multipliers' and 'Risk Multipliers': Organizational Myth and Gender Integration of the U.S. Combat Arms Military Occupational Specialties and Units." The Sociological Quarterly. Online First. doi: 10.1080/00380253.2021.1981790 Rosen, E., Garboden, P. M., & Cossyleon, J. E. (2021). Racial discrimination in housing: how landlords use algorithms and home visits to screen tenants. American Sociological Review, 86(5), 787-822. Vergara, Angela, and Shannon K. Carter. 2021. “# Amamantar: Representations of Breastfeeding Targeting Hispanic/Latinx Populations on Social Media.” Women's Studies International Forum 87: 102498 For any future news, announcements, or to celebrate your accomplishments, please email Newsletter Editor, Isabel Geisler (