________________ ▂▃▄ Society for the Study of Social Problems ▄▃▂ ________________ ________________ Gender Division Newsletter ________________ Issue: June 2024 Letter from the Chairs Dear Gender Division Members, We hope you are holding up during these turbulent times of global crisis and genocide. We hope to see you all at our next SSSP Annual Meeting in Montreal, August 9-11, 2024. This year’s theme Toward a Sociology of Violence, presided over by Mary Bernstein, lies at the intersection of conflict, gender, war, racism, oppression, human rights, social justice, etc. The sessions planned at this conference aim to provide a common platform and space for students, practitioners, organizers, activists, scholars, and academics dedicated to creating and fostering ongoing social change. In the current newsletter, we are excited to announce the recipients of the 2024 Outstanding Article Award and the Student Paper Award in the Gender Division! We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our award reviewers for their time, labor, and contributions in reviewing these applications with utmost integrity. We also would like to congratulate several of our division members for their accomplishments, milestones, and successes! We look forward to working with everyone over the next year and hopefully connecting in person this year at the 2024 meeting in Montreal! Warm Regards, Pallavi Banerjee (Gender Division, Chair) (E) pallavi.banerjee@ucalgary.ca Associate Professor of Sociology and University of Calgary Research Excellence Chair Meghna Bhat (Gender Division Vice Chair) (E) megbhat@gmail.com Independent Consultant, Educator and Scholar In this Newsletter: 2 SSSP Statement on Campus Protests 2 Announcement: Gender Division Award Recipients 5…..Call for Papers: 5…..Member News and Updates 7….SSSP Pre-Conference 8…..Countdown to the 2024 SSSP Annual Meeting, Montreal Canada SSSP Statement on Campus Protests The Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) condemns the actions taken by police agents and university leaders in response to pro-Palestinian campus protests around the country. We unequivocally support academic freedom, free speech, and the right to peaceful protest. Click here to view the full approved statement ________________ GENDER DIVISION AWARD RECIPIENTS STUDENT PAPER AWARD Paper Award Winner: “State Predation? How the Carceral Care Economy Harms Black and Latine Women,” Raquel Guzman Delerme, University of Southern California Raquel Delerme It is our pleasure to award Raquel Guzman Delerme’s “State Predation?: How the Carceral Care Economy Harms Black and Latine Mothers” with the SSSP Gender Division’s Student Paper Award. Through an analysis of 21 in-depth interviews with mothers performing care work for their incarcerated children, this impressive paper introduces and develops an original concept: the carceral care economy. This original concept, which addresses how the care mothers provide their incarcerated children is commodified and exploited by the legal system, demonstrates analytic sophistication and significantly adds to the literature that Delerme so eloquently engages within the piece. The paper accomplishes a compelling intersectional analysis of the care work that mothers provide for their incarcerated children, expertly detailing the experiences of the participants, while linking these experiences to exploitation, systemic inequalities, and structural disadvantages. The sample also speaks to Delerme’s research abilities, as the paper is based on an impressive sample of a difficult-to-access population and focuses on a topic that is of great importance but can also be difficult to discuss. The paper is interesting, compelling, and a great read. We look forward to seeing it published in the near future. Paper Award Honorable Mention: “The Lived Experiences of Beauty and Grammars of the Maricada in the Colombian Insular Caribbean,” Ange La Furcia, Centre of Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge The work of Gender Studies is not an easy undertaking, particularly work that connects the Global South’s marginalized knowledge about gender to the Global North. Yet Ange La Furcia’s paper on the ways that maras, maricas, and trans women navigate beauty salons in Colombia does just that. In her essay, La Furcia draws on in-situ ethnography as a method to illustrate how the beauty salon serves as a simultaneous site of gender normativity and gender liberation. She shows that beauty is inherently curated through ethnicization, particularly Indigeneity and Island cultures, and she advocates for the need to unpack the layers of multiculturalism, colonial conquest, and gender dynamics in the ever-changing Caribbean. “The Lived Experiences of Beauty and Grammars of the Maricada in the Colombian Insular Caribbean” falls in the same camps as the critical work of transnational Global South feminists, including Kamala Kempadoo, Hongwei Bao, and Martin F. Manalansan IV, all of whom conducted research against the white canon of sociological gender studies negligent or hostile to queer/trans of color ways of knowing. We particularly appreciated the article’s original artwork and use of bilingual Spanish-English language throughout the piece. We look forward to seeing it published in the near future. We would like to thank Laurel Westbrook, Michael Halpin, and Melinda Chen for volunteering their time to review the applications and for their contributions OUTSTANDING ARTICLE AWARD Article Award Winner: Westbrook, Laurel. (2023). “The Matrix of Violence: Intersectionality and Necropolitics in the Murder of Transgender People in the United States, 1990–2019”. Gender & Society, 37(3), 413-446. https://doi.org/10.1177/08912432231171172 Laurel Westbrook Westbrook’s article makes significant theoretical and methodological contributions to the field. From a theoretical perspective, one of the most important contributions of Westbrook's work is its effectiveness in disrupting the notion of trans identities as a monolith. The work expands our understanding of gender beyond the binary, analyzing ways that cisgender and transgender identities and oppressions intersect with those of race and class. Westbrook is highly effective in highlighting how social locations shape whose lives are protected by existing social structures and builds on and expands Patricia Hill Collins' matrix of domination, one of the most important theoretical contributions to the study of inequality, power, and identity. Further, Westbrook's theorization of the "matrix of violence" is an extremely malleable theory that can be applied to so many other cases of intersectional oppression. Methodologically, for one reviewer, this paper outscored the others because of the sheer magnitude of the empirical contributions and, as a consequence, what the availability of this data can contribute to gender literature overall, using an intersectionality lens. The creation and analysis of this unique database provides a model for future research on other topics. Article Award Honorable Mention: Chen Melinda. “‘Are You-?’ ‘Are You?’ Queer Advocacy at Contemporary Neoliberal Rape Crisis Centers”. Violence Against Women, 29(15-16), 3072-3100. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778012231192606 Chen's work fills a considerable gap in gender literature around how advocates negotiate identity, and Chen does this in authentically intersectional ways. This piece is extremely valuable in clarifying how sexually minoritized care workers are exploited by their institutional context, creating undue emotional labor and risk of burnout, and also (using a robust application of an intersectional framework) revealing the limitations of individual-level solutions to structural problems and illustrating the material consequences of neoliberalism in advocacy work. Chen also applies ideas of neoliberalism to levels of identity and interpersonal interaction. Additionally, Chen’s analysis around survivalist codeswitching offers extremely valuable theoretical and empirical contributions to intersectional understandings of “doing gender” and “doing sexuality." Their work expands our understanding of the performance of marginalized identities as required by organizations and therefore more than representation, i.e., as ways of presenting oneself to meet organizational goals. Please join us in congratulating the recipients of this year's Gender Division Awards! We would like to thank Sarah Jane Brubaker, Lauren Danielowski, and Kayla Martensen for volunteering their time to review the applications and for their contributions CALL FOR PAPERS: “Working for Social Change” (abstract proposals due September 1, 2024) Jessica Schachle-Gordon and Jonathan S. Coley are co-editing an upcoming special issue of Work and Occupations entitled “Working for Social Change. Kindly click here for the call for papers. Please email them at wox.special.issue@gmail.com with any further questions about this special issue. Member News Borzoo, Sepideh and Pallavi, Banerjee. (2024). “Self-Employment among Immigrant and Migrant Women and Reconstruction of Canadian Identity from an Intersecting Marginal Positions.” In Reconstructions of Canadian Identity. Edited by Vander Tavares and Mary Dodman. University of Manitoba Press. Davis, Rachel E. 2024. “Seeking and Surveilled: The Effects of Tumblr’s Sexual Content Ban on Sugar Babies’ Posts.” Feminist Media Studies. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17488958241231879 Davis, Rachel E. 2024. "Debt, Sex, and Money: Imperialist Discourses of Transactional Sex Across Three Geographic and Cultural Contexts.” Criminology & Criminal Justice. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17488958241231879 Kyla Walters: Hadjisolomou, Anastasios, Kyla Walters, Dennis Nickson, and Tom Baum. 2023. "‘Boys will be Boys?’: Submissive Masculinity and Sexual Harassment in the Gay Tourism Industry." Hospitality & Society 13:173-200. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1386/hosp_00068_1 Awards and Honors A photo of Katie Duarte Katie Duarte is a PhD candidate in Sociology at Brown University. She was awarded the Charles V. Willie Minority Graduate Student Award from the Eastern Sociological Society. Katie's areas of expertise include gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, intersectionalities, Latinidad, cultural sociology, and qualitative methods. Learn more at KatieDuarte.com. Dr. Diana Therese M. Veloso was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor 6 at the Department of Sociology and Behavioral Sciences of De La Salle University in the Philippines. She was an awardee during the Research Recognition Rites of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation of the said university, held on 02 February 2024. She received a Certificate of Recognition for the following article: Veloso, Diana Therese M. 2023. “The Experiences of Currently and Formerly Incarcerated Women in a Time of Pandemic: Implications for Life-Giving Communities.” Acta Theologica Supplementum 35: Towards Life-Giving Communities in a Post-Pandemic World: Asian Feminist Theological Perspectives. https://doi.org/10.38140/at.v35i1 Dr. Diana Therese M. Veloso also received a Plaque of Appreciation from the Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) for her long-term volunteer work for the benefit of women who are persons deprived of liberty (PDL) at the said facility. The award was given on 24 October 2023, in celebration of the 29th National Correctional Consciousness Week in the Philippines. She also received a Certificate of Appreciation from the same penitentiary for her support during the celebration of the Ms. Correctional and Ms. Valentine pageant on 15 February 2024, held as part of the Foundation Day of the said institution. Dr. Diana Therese M. Veloso is currently in her second year as a Board Member of the Philippine Sociological Society. She also recently participated in the Gender and Development Awareness and Indoctrination Drive for reservists in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), held on 23 March 2024, as well as in the Mobilization Exercises of the Philippine Navy, held on 14 April 2024. Kayla Martensen, PhD will be starting her new role as an Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Sociology and Criminology Department at the University of New Mexico this Fall. She is also a co-recipient of the 2024 Beth E. Richie Justice Advocacy Award conferred by the Department of Criminology, Law, and Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Meghna Bhat, Ph.D (she/her/hers) was awarded the 2024 CLJ Alumni Impact Award by the Department of Criminology, Law, and Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago for her contributions as a "Creative Disruptor". As an independent gender and social justice consultant, feminist criminology scholar, and multidisciplinary educator/artist, Dr. Bhat's innovative work was commended for employing the power of storytelling to facilitate healing from sexual violence, creating impactful violence prevention workshops, championing immigrant justice, and serving as a means for individuals and communities to address oppression in their lives. Adejoke Adesida Rachael recently earned their M.Sc. (Business Administration) from Achievers University, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria. The convocation was held on Saturday 9th, December, 2023. Adejoke Adesida Rachael is excited to start their new role as the College Secretary of the newly established Achievers College of Nursing Sciences, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria effective Friday, December 1st, 2023. SSSP Pre-Conference Discussion of the Anti-Harassment Policy: July 9 and July 24 (Virtual) The anti-harassment committee is hosting two virtual discussion sessions this summer in preparation for our annual meeting. Members will discuss the SSSP anti-harassment policy and reporting process and participants will learn about bystander/upstander responses and basic principles of advocacy. Participants will consider various scenarios of harassing behaviors and will work together to develop strategies to both prevent and respond to forms of harassment. Attendees will receive a sticker to wear on their conference badge and be listed on the website as members who are familiar with the policy and available for consultation. Please contact the Anti-Harassment Committee Chair, Sarah Jane Brubaker, with any questions at sbrubaker@vcu.edu. Session Options: * Tuesday, July 9, 12:00-2:00 PM EDT * Wednesday, July 24, 3:00-5:00 PM EDT To register, please visit the Registration Form Registration Deadline: July 1 2024 Annual Meeting Information Toward a Sociology of Violence Led by Dr. Mary Bernstein, SSSP President August 9-11, 2024 Montréal, Canada Gender Sessions include: * PAPERS IN THE ROUND: Gender, Religion, and Social Control * THEMATIC: Gender-Based Violence * Migration and Gendered Ideologies in Families * THEMATIC: State and Interpersonal Violence against Contemporary Family Structures * CRITICAL DISCOURSE: Reimagining Violence from an Intersectional Feminist Perspective * THEMATIC: The Persistence of Heteropatrichal Settler Colonial Violence on Indigenous Sovereignty * Reproductive Justice * Gender and Work Registration for the 2024 SSSP Conference is open: CLICK HERE CLICK HERE for the preliminary program for the 2024 SSSP Conference. We invite and encourage our members to join us and other SSSP members and administration at the receptions and special events planned during the conference. CLICK HERE for the schedule so come and say hello! SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 7:15pm–8:15pm SSSP Division-Sponsored Reception (Location: Ballroom Foyer, Level 4) All meeting registrants are invited to the Division-Sponsored Reception. This social hour provides opportunities to renew past acquaintances, chat with old friends, and find a newcomer to befriend. Complimentary beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages and heavy hors d'oeuvres will be available. Opportunities We’ve collected some opportunities for our readers! Please consider applying and let us know if you succeed so we can feature you in the next newsletter! Non-Tenure Line Teaching Professor in Gender, Peace and Security; Georgetown University (July 6) Adjunct Faculty - Sociology and Women's Studies at St. Catherine's University (July 1) Our newsletter editor is changing as Dr. Isabel Geisler exits the role, please stay tuned for who to contact about future updates and entries!