________________ ▂▃▄ Society for the Study of Social Problems ▄▃▂ ________________ ________________ Gender Division Newsletter ________________ Issue: December 2023 Letter from the Chairs Dear Gender Division Members, As we write our first letter as Chair and Co-Chair of the Gender Division, our hearts are heavy and sore. We are living in dark times with wars and genocides unfolding across the globe and those at the intersections of marginalities paying the heaviest price. Now more than ever we need to mobilize our decolonial transnational feminist consciousness to demand for justice and peace. Given the fractured world we are living in right now, seeing so many of you at the annual meeting in Philadelphia was so heartwarming. We had several great sessions on the program that inspired exciting conversations and collaborations. We connected with existing friends and made new ones. We had an invigorating Division Chair meeting where we finalized our sessions for the 2024 meeting. It was a great meeting overall and we loved becoming more involved in SSSP! We are now gearing up for our next meeting in Montreal, August 9-11, 2024. This year’s theme, Toward a Sociology of Violence, with President Mary Bernstein, is sure to resonate with our gender division members, given the current times and the ongoing problems of conflict, war, gender discrimination, racism, reproductive justice, and more. I hope that everyone who can travel to the meetings will attend! We have several sessions planned that we hope will bring together students, activists, academics, and others who are interested in working toward productive social change. We created different types of sessions – paper sessions, critical dialogues, and roundtables – to be sure to create a space for everyone. I hope you will join us! Our current newsletter highlights work by several of our division members that is disrupting systems of intersectional oppression. We cannot wait to hear and see more of such work presented in Montreal next August which I am sure will be here before we know it. Meanwhile, we have two awards that we encourage all of you to submit to. The details will be out soon on the Gender Division webpage. The awards are the 2024 Outstanding Article Award and the 2024 Gender Division Student Paper Award. Thank you to those of you who stepped up to serve on the Award Committees. We need a few more members for each of the award committees and we’d be so very appreciative if you volunteered. Please write to me and Meghna if you’d like to join the committees. We look forward to working with everyone over the next year and hopefully connecting in person at the 2024 meeting in Montreal! Warm Regards, Pallavi Banerjee (Gender Division, Chair) (E) pallavi.banerjee@ucalgary.ca Associate Professor of Sociology and University of Calgary Research Excellence Chair Meghna Bhat (Gender Division Vice Chair) (E) megbhat@gmail.com Independent Consultant, Educator and Scholar Member News Congratulations to Dr. Veloso! Dr. Veloso received an award for ten years of service at De La Salle University during the Service Awards in August 2023. She was also an awardee during the February 2023 Research Recognition Rites of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation at the same University. She received a Certificate of Recognition for her journal article on the 2017 siege in the Islamic City of Marawi, located in the southern Philippines. Dr. Diana Therese M. Veloso is an Associate Professor, the Master of Health Social Science Program Coordinator, and the Coordinator of an interdisciplinary course called Gender and Multiculturalism at the Department of Sociology and Behavioral Sciences of De La Salle University in the Philippines. She has also served as a guest lecturer for the Department of Theology and Religious Education at the same university. She served as the Chair of the Transnational Initiatives Committee of the Society for the Study of Social Problems from August 2022 to August 2023. She is also a Board Member and former Secretary of the Philippine Sociological Society. She is the Web Coordinator of Ecclesia of Women in Asia, an organization of women theologians. Dr. Veloso is a Reservist with the Philippine Navy. She holds the designation of Data Processor Chief (DPC), with the rank of Chief Petty Officer (CPO)—and is the only woman CPO in her cohort. Chief Veloso completed the Basic Citizen Military Course (BCMC) conducted by the Philippine Navy Naval Reserve Command and graduated on 6 May 2023 with outstanding marks. She was a member of the adjudged Best Team in Land Navigation during the conduct of the BCMC Field Training Exercises. In the News Meghna Bhat, Ph.D. was interviewed by Deccan Herald, a newspaper company in India about her multidisciplinary art project, Gulabi Stories: A South Asian Healing Initiative (June 2023). Pallavi Banerjee, Ph.D. was quoted in Foreign Policy, in the new story, “Is Canada Really So Immigrant-Friendly?” interviewed by Claire Porter Robbins (August 28, 2023). Jennifer Hites-Thomas was featured in a podcast recently! See “Episode Ten: Interview with Jennifer Hites-Thomas” in the Gender, Sex and Tech: Continuing the Conversation Podcast. Member Accomplishments Isabel Geisler successfully defended her dissertation, “The Movement against Feminicidio in Puerto Rico: Expanding the Frontiers of Policies and Activism Against Gender Based Violence,” at Northeastern University. Jennifer Hites-Thomas, Ph.D. joined SUNY Oswego in January 2023 as Assistant Professor of Sociology. Meghna Bhat, Ph.D. was invited as the closing keynote speaker for the 30th Domestic Violence Annual Conference titled “Thirty Years of Growth: Lessons Learned and Addressing Root Causes of Domestic Violence” on October 13th, 2023 hosted by the Office Of Gender-Based Violence Prevention, Santa Clara County, California. Upcoming Books Blume Oeur, Freeden, and C.J. Pascoe. 2023. Gender Replay: On Kids, Schools, and Feminism. New York: NYU Press. [Get 30% off at the NYU Press website using the code NYUAU30.] Barrie Thorne’s Gender Play was a landmark study of the social worlds of primary school children that sparked a paradigm shift in our understanding of how kids and the adults around them contest and reinforce gender boundaries. Thirty years later, Gender Replay celebrates and reflects on this classic, extending Thorne’s scholarship into a new and different generation. Freeden Blume Oeur (he/him) and C. J. Pascoe’s new volume brings together many of the foremost scholars on youth from an array of disciplines, including sociology, childhood studies, education, gender studies, and communication studies. Together, these scholars reflect on many contemporary issues that were not covered in Thorne’s original text, exploring new dimensions of schooling, the sociology of gender, social media, and feminist theory. Over fourteen essays, the authors touch on topics such as youth resistance in the Trump era; girls and technology; the use of play to challenge oppressive racial regimes; youth activism against climate change; the importance of taking kids seriously as social actors; and mentoring as a form of feminist praxis. Gender Replay picks up where Thorne’s text left off, doing the vital work of applying her teachings to a transformed world and to new configurations of childhood. Hormel, Leotina. (2023). Trailer Park America: Reimagining Working-Class Communities. New Jersey: Rutgers Press. Leontina M. Hormel (she/her), Professor, Sociology is scheduled to release her new book, Trailer Park America: Reimagining Working-Class Communities on November 10, 2023, with Rutgers University Press! A 30% discount is currently available if you preorder the book. Code: RUSA30 for those residing in the United States. Contact Dr. Hormel at LHormel@uidaho.edu if you live outside the US and are interested in a discount – there are codes for you, too! Order here. New Publications Hites-Thomas, Jennifer. (2022) “Gatekeeping ‘Authentic’ Gender: The Somatechnics of Transition Surgery and ‘Male Enhancement.’” In Jill Fellows & Lisa A. Smith (Eds.) Gender, Sex and Tech: An Intersectional Feminist Guide. Canadian Scholars Press. https://canadianscholars.ca/book/gender-sex-and-tech/ Berkowitz, D., Windsor, E. J., & Han, C. W. (Eds.). (2023). Male Femininities. NYU Press. Jolene Vincent, D J Williams, Lin Huff-Corzine & Jay Corzine 2022 Does the Number of Victims Matter in Defining Serial Murder? An Analysis of Homicide Behavioral Characteristics in US Cases from 1985–2016, Victims & Offenders, DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2022.2150347 Jauk-Ajamie, Daniela. “Women And Girls Behind Bars in The United States: A Hidden And Vulnerable Population in Pandemic Times” Pp. 245-261 in Women and COVID-19: A Clinical and Applied Sociological Focus on Family, Work and Community, edited by M. Seedat and Z. Toyo, London: Routledge. . https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003267133 Lin Huff-Corzine and Kayla Toohy (2022) The life and scholarship of Pauline Tarnowsky: Criminology's mother. Journal of Criminal Justice, 85 (March-April) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2022.101986 Madeline Diaz, Ketty Fernandez, Kayla Toohy, Lin Huff-Corzine, and Amy Reckdenwald (2022) Out of Sight, Out of Mind: An Analysis of Family Mass Murder Offenders in the US, 2006-2017. Journal of Mass Violence Research. Lin Huff-Corzine, Jay Corzine, Deborah Griffith, Aixa Mendez, Tomas Lares, & Mikala Klein. The Dark Side of the Sunshine State: Identifying and Resisting Human Trafficking to appear as Chapter 14 in Jeffrey W. Goltz and Roberto Hugh Potter (eds.) Human Trafficking: A System-Wide Public Safety and Community Approach, 2nd Edition. West Academic: St. Paul, MN. (forthcoming) Banerjee, Pallavi and Chetna Khandelwal. 2023. “South Asian Diaspora, Gender, and Transnational Lives: Epistemological Omission of Caste” Eds by Ajaya Sahoo in Routledge Handbook of South Asian Migrations. Routledge. 2024 Annual Meeting Information Toward a Sociology of Violence Led by Dr. Mary Bernstein, SSSP President August 9-11, 2024 Montréal, Canada The Call for Papers is now open here! There are a variety of sessions from both our committee and others that are open for proposals. Please note that paper submissions do close on January 31, 2024. Gender Sessions include: * PAPERS IN THE ROUND: Gender, Religion, and Social Control * THEMATIC: Gender-Based Violence * Migration and Gendered Ideologies in Families * THEMATIC: State and Interpersonal Violence against Contemporary Family Structures * CRITICAL DISCOURSE: Reimagining Violence from an Intersectional Feminist Perspective * THEMATIC: The Persistence of Heteropatrichal Settler Colonial Violence on Indigenous Sovereignty * Reproductive Justice * Gender and Work Student Paper Competition The Gender Division invites graduate students to submit papers for the 2024 Graduate Student Paper Award Competition. Papers may be empirical and/or theoretical and may be on any aspect of gender, broadly defined. The winner will receive a cash award of $150, a plaque of recognition, student membership in SSSP for 2024, complimentary registration for the 2024 Annual Meeting to help the winner attend the meeting. The winner will be invited to present the winning paper at one of the Gender sessions at the 2024 SSSP Annual Meeting. To be eligible, a paper must meet the following criteria: 1. the applicant must be a graduate student at the time of the SSSP Annual Meeting on August 9-11, 2024; 2. the applicant must be the first (lead) author on the paper; 3. the paper must not be co-authored with a faculty member or a colleague who is not a student; 4. the paper must not have been submitted to or accepted for publication; 5. the paper must not have been presented previously at SSSP or presented or accepted for presentation at other professional meetings, unless they have been revised substantially with new data, findings, or theoretical contributions; 6. the paper must not exceed 30 pages including notes, references, and tables; 7. the paper must be typed using 12-point font in either Times New Roman or a similar sized font; 8. student papers may only be submitted to one of the SSSP division award competition All submitting authors are required to submit their papers through the annual meeting Call for Papers process as a condition for consideration for the award. Please submit your paper to be considered for the Gender Division Graduate Student Paper Competition electronically as a Microsoft Word or PDF file to Pallavi Banerjee pallavi.banerjee@ucalgary.ca and Meghna Bhat megbhat@gmail.com. Paper submission must be dated via electronic time/date stamp on or before 1/31/24. Opportunities We’ve collected some opportunities for our readers! Please consider applying and let us know if you succeed so we can feature you in the next newsletter! Lecturer I, Women's and Gender Studies, MIT (open until filled) Co-Director of Development and Outreach, Cambridge Women's Center (open until filled)