PAGE # SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS, AND COMMUNITIES DIVISION NEWS DIVISION ASSOCIATE CHAIR: alithia zamantakis (2022-2024). Postdoctoral Fellow. Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing. Northwestern University. Email: II. Annual Division Meeting Make plans to attend the Sexual Behavior, Politics and Community Division’s annual division meeting on Friday, August 18th from 12:30pm-2:10pm in Philadelphia Ballroom North. This meeting is open to ALL SSSP Members. Please make plans to attend, meet and mingle with your fellow division members! We’ll discuss 2024 annual meeting sessions, recognize the winners of our book award and graduate student paper award and solicit nominations for the Chair and Associate Chair positions within the Division (to serve 2024-2026), among other business. III. Meeting Mentors Needed!! SSSP offers a Meeting Mentor Program designed to pair new Society members with veterans of the annual meeting – at present we are well short of the number of mentors needed to meet the demand. I hope you will consider completing the application to be a mentor to a new member at this year’s annual meeting. The application can be found here: The application deadline is June 30, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Lauren Eastwood at IV. Division Award Winners Congratulations to this year’s recipients of the Division’s Graduate Student Paper and Outstanding Book Awards! SBPC Graduate Student Paper Award  Michelle Eilers, The University of Texas at Austin “Women’s Sexual Attitudes or Behaviors: Which Changes First?” Sociologists have long been puzzled by whether attitudes inform behaviors or vice versa. Accurately assessing both possibilities requires intensive panel data collected at relatively short intervals. In this study, I leverage unique intensive panel data from the Relationship Dynamics and Social Life Study to assess the case of young women’s premarital sexual attitudes and behavior. Through a series of descriptive and cross-lagged panel regression analyses, I show that opposition Spring 2023 EDITOR: Rafia Mallick, M.A., Graduate Student, Department of Sociology, Georgia State University. 38 Peachtree Center Ave. SE, Suite 941, Atlanta, GA 30303. Email: Letter from the Chair 1 Division Award Winners 2 Annual Meeting Division-Sponsored Sessions 4 Acknowledgements 10 New Publications 11 Annual Division Meeting 2 Meeting Mentors Needed 2 Inside this issue: SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS, AND COMMUNITIES DIVISION NEWS SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS DIVISION CHAIR: Janelle M. Pham (2022-2024), Assistant Professor, Sociology, Oglethorpe University. Hearst 319, Atlanta, GA 30319. Email: SPRING 2023 Outstanding Book Award Committee: alithia zamantakis, Northwestern University (Chair) Boluwatife Ajayi, University of Albany, SUNY Kathleen Joy Fitzgerald, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Alan Santinele Martino, University of Calgary Newsletter Editor: Rafia Javaid Mallick, Georgia State University VII. New Publications Berkowitz, Dana, Elroi J. Windsor, and C. Winter Han, eds. 2023. Male Femininities. New York, NY: NYU Press. Innovative essays that explore how men perform femininity and what femininity looks like without women What counts as “male femininity”? Is it simply men behaving in effeminate ways or is it the absence of masculinity? Male Femininities presents a nuanced, critical collection of essays that highlight the extent to which male femininities are neither an imitation of femaleness nor an emptying of masculinity. These innovative essays focus on both gay and straight men, and transmasculine and genderqueer people in their construction and performance of femininity, thereby revealing the possibilities that open up when we critically examine femininity without women. Male Femininities asks, What does femininity look like for men? The contributors—highly regarded scholars and rising stars—cover a range of topics, including drag queens, cosmetic enhancements, trans fertility, and gender-non-conforming childhoods. Male Femininities illuminates what happens when we decouple femininity from female bodies and how even the smallest cracks and fissures in the normative order can disrupt, challenge, and in some cases reaffirm our existing sex-gender regime. This volume pluralizes the concept of male femininities and leads readers through an exploration of how gender, sex, and sexuality are manifested in the United States today. Like and Follow the SBPC page here: SPRING 2023 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS, AND COMMUNITIES DIVISION NEWS PAGE # Roundtable #2: Research on Gender, Sexuality, Sports, Leisure and/or the Body (Sports & Body) Presider: Jinsun Yang, University of Oregon Papers: “Confidence and Empowerment of Beauty Pageant Participants: Criteria for Success or Desired Outcomes?” Ariane Prohaska, University of Alabama “Power Imbalance and Sexual Harassment: Experiences of Icelandic Female Athletes,” Anna Soffía Víkingsdóttir and Jon G. Bernburg, University of Iceland “Redefining Health on Instagram: Effects of the Body Acceptance Movement,” Olivia Scully, Queen’s University “Sports Sociology in India: Openings Vistas for the Globe,” Sanjay Tewari, Indian Sociological Society “Tracing Transnational Politics of Gender Inclusion in Sport: Continuities, Disruptions, Opportunities,” Kathryn Henne, The Australian National University and Arizona State University Friday, August 18th 4:30pm-6:10pm Session 033: Gender, Sexuality, and the Law Room: Freedom H Sponsors: Gender Law and Society Sexual Behavior, Politics, and Communities Organizer & Presider: Lillian T. Jungleib, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Description: This session brings together a range of papers focused on the role of the law as a mechanism of state control governing sexuality both nationally and transnationally. SPRING 2023 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS, AND COMMUNITIES DIVISION NEWS PAGE # V. Annual Meeting Division-Sponsored Sessions The online program for the 2023 Annual Meeting can be found here: Division-Sponsored and Co-sponsored sessions at this year’s annual meeting are below: Friday, August 18th 8:30am-10:10am Session 007: PAPERS IN THE ROUND: Research on Gender, Sexuality, Sports, Leisure and/or the Body Room: Philadelphia Ballroom North Sponsors: Gender Sexual Behavior, Politics, and Communities Sport, Leisure, and the Body Organizers: Kyle Shupe, University of Cincinnati Jinsun Yang, University of Oregon Roundtable #1: Research on Gender, Sexuality, Sports, Leisure and/or the Body (Sexuality) Presider: Kyle Shupe, University of Cincinnati Papers: “Examining the ‘Cotton Ceiling’: Lesbians’ Marginalization of Transgender Women as Sexual Identity Maintenance,” Barbara T. Pham, University of California, Irvine “Going with the Flow: How Dating Apps Shape and Reify Intersecting Inequalities among Young Adult,” Katelyn Rose Malae, University of California, Irvine “Non-binary People’s Experiences with Gender Recognition: Implications for Social Work,” A.P. Spoth, Portland State University “Women’s Sexual Attitudes or Behaviors: Which Changes First?” Michelle Eilers, The University of Texas at Austin *** *** Winner of the Sexual Behavior, Politics, and Communities Division’s Student Paper Competition SPRING 2023 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS, AND COMMUNITIES DIVISION NEWS PAGE # All, I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I very much look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this year’s annual meeting in Philadelphia. See below for important announcements for the Sexual Behavior, Politics and Communities Division of SSSP. Best, Janelle M. Pham, Chair to premarital sex is not associated with subsequent premarital sexual behavior, but premarital sexual behavior is negatively associated with subsequent opposition to premarital sex. This effect is concentrated among women who sexually debut during the study and indicates that changes in sexual behavior precede, rather than follow, changes in attitudes. However, among young women who oppose premarital sex and sexually debut, almost half do not change their attitudes and just one-third become less opposed to premarital sex. This study nuances longstanding debates on the malleability of attitudes within a person over time and with respect to behavior, and has implications for how people approach behavioral experiences according to their attitudes across a wide spectrum of social phenomena. Outstanding Book Award Cati Connell, Associate Professor of Sociology and Women’s Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Boston University A Few Good Gays: The Gendered Compromises behind Military Inclusion (2022) The US military has done an about-face on gender and sexuality policy over the last decade, ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, restrictions on women in combat, and transgender exclusion. Contrary to expectations, servicemembers have largely welcomed cisgender LGB individuals—yet they continue to vociferously resist trans inclusion and the presence of women on the front lines. In the minds of many, the embodied “deficiencies” of cisgender women and trans people of all genders puts others—and indeed, the nation—at risk. In this book, Cati Connell identifies the homonormative bargain that underwrites these uneven patterns of reception—a bargain that comes with significant concessions, upholding and even exacerbating race, class, and gender inequality in the pursuit of sexual equality. In this handshake deal, even the widespread support for open LGB service is highly conditional, revocable upon violation of the bargain. Despite the promise of inclusivity, in practice, the military has made room only for a “few good gays,” to the exclusion of all others. But should equal access be the goal? How did we get from there to here? And where do we go next? In analyzing inclusion as a social movement aspiration, Connell shows that its steep price is exacted through the continued abjection of queered Others, both at home and abroad. Learn more here: SPRING 2023 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS, AND COMMUNITIES DIVISION NEWS PAGE # Papers: “Ambivalence among Victim Service Workers: Victims or Sex Workers? To Decriminalize or Not?” Yen-Chiao Liao, The Graduate Center, CUNY “Debt, Sex, and Money: Imperialist Discourses of Transactional Sex across Three Geographic and Cultural Contexts,” Rachel E. Davis, Middle Tennessee State University “Love in the Time of Stigma: Relationship Interest following Criminal Conviction,” Popy Begum, Rutgers University-Newark and Douglas Evans, Fairleigh Dickinson University “Organizational Brokers and Title IX’s Full Potential for Pregnant and Parenting Students,” A. Fiona Pearson, Central Connecticut State University and Erika Dawson Head, University of Massachusetts Amherst “Veiling Laws throughout Iranian History---The Relationship to Religion, before and during Islamic Law,” Nicolas P. Garon, Southern University Law Center Saturday, August 19th 10:30am-12:10pm Session 051: Teaching and Legislating Sexuality in Schools: Local and National Perspectives from Organizers, Advocates, and Scholars Room: Freedom E Sponsors: Law and Society Sexual Behavior, Politics, and Communities Teaching Social Problems Organizer, Presider & Discussant: alithia zamantakis, Northwestern University Description: As scholars and organizers, we know that progress within the current political arrangement of US society is followed by rollback (or in the words of materialists, revolution is inevitably followed by counterrevolution). This is evident in the ongoing expansion of “Don’t Say Gay” legislation, bans/restrictions on Critical Race Theory, the requirement of abstinence-only or—‘plus’ sex education. This scholar SPRING 2023 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS, AND COMMUNITIES DIVISION NEWS PAGE # meets activist session will address the intersectional dimensions of these attacks on marginalized students. Activists from Philadelphia and rural Pennsylvania will be brought together to speak on the challenges they see in their communities and nationally and the resistance of the people on the ground. Panelists: Hazel Edwards, Galaei Erin Busbee, William Way LGBT Community Center Saturday, August 19th 12:30pm-2:10pm Session 059: CRITICAL DIALOGUE: Gender, Sexualities and Immigration in Global Contexts Room: Independence D Sponsors: Global Sexual Behavior, Politics, and Communities Organizer & Presider/ Discussant: Rafia Javaid Mallick, Georgia State University Description: The session explores the evolution of intimacy in the context of global capitalism and probe the intersections of sex, love, gender, labor, mobility and immigration. Papers: “‘Women Were Really Being Kept Out ... So We Determined to do Something about It’: The TimelineJS Story of Gender Balance on Iowa Boards and Commissions,” Ezra J. Temko, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville “Circumcision and Colonial Reason: Critical Reflections on Genital Modifications and the Commodification of the Female Genitalia,” Fae Chubin, University of Tampa SPRING 2023 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS, AND COMMUNITIES DIVISION NEWS PAGE # “Reifying Rationality by Rationalizing Reality: Intersectional Masculinity and the Alchemy of Legitimacy,” Jonathan N. Redman, University of California, Irvine “Sexuality in Conflict: How Transnational Bisexuals Negotiate Moral Boundaries and Collective Identity amid Sexual Division in China,” Ann Jiang, The University of Chicago “The Sociology of Symbolism and the Black Experience in the Catholic Church,” Junior R. Hopwood and Desirae N. Mead, Grambling State University Sunday, August 20th 12:30pm-2:10pm Session 103: Dimensions of Sexuality and Disability Room: Freedom E Sponsors: Disability Sexual Behavior, Politics, and Communities Organizers: Alan Santinele Martino, University of Calgary Lloyd Klein, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY Presider: Lloyd Klein, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY Papers: “Disabled and Afraid: Impact of Oppression and Violence toward the Disabled,” Lloyd Klein, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY “Mad-Queer: The Intersection of Mental Illness and Queerness,” Jennie Lambert, Georgia State University “Moving beyond Sexual Health: A Humble Proposal for a ‘Crip’ Sociology of Fucking,” Alan Santinele Martino, University of Calgary and R.F. Plante, Ithaca College “‘Cripping’ Intellectual Disability and Sexuality in Media Representations: Conundrums and Possibilities,” Ann Fudge Schormans, McMaster University, Alan Santinele Martino and Eleni Moumos, University of Calgary SPRING 2023 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS, AND COMMUNITIES DIVISION NEWS PAGE # “‘I Wish That Gay Culture Wasn’t Just Like Gay Clubbing’: Experiences of 2SLGBTQ+ People with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities when Navigating Queer Sexual Fields,” Alan Santinele Martino, Meghan Robbins and Noah Ulicki, University of Calgary Sunday, August 20th 2:30pm-4:10pm Session 110: CRITICAL DIALOGUE: Sexualities across the Life Course Room: Independence B Sponsors: Sexual Behavior, Politics, and Communities Youth, Aging, and the Life Course Organizer & Presider/Discussant: Hannah Regan, Case Western Reserve University Description: This session will review a variety of topics relating to sexuality at different stages in the life course, and address commonalities according to different intersectional identities as well as what contributes to differences in experiences. Papers: “‘Pt Endorses Hx of Sexual Assault’: Life Course Dimensions of Sexual Harm Disclosure in Medical Records,” Laura M. Carpenter, Savannah Bastian, Alyssa J. Davis and Olivia Wilborn, Vanderbilt University “‘Shout Dirty to Me’: A Discourse Analysis of Single-cell Cartoons about Menopause, Erectile Dysfunction, and Old People Having Sex,” Wendy Simonds and Taylor Pope, Georgia State University “‘Your Parents Can Control Your Success and They Can Also Control Your Downfall’: Parent-Child Financial Relationships for LGBTQ and Cisgender Heterosexual Young Adults,” Emma Bosley Smith, Alma College “Love during COVID-19: Young Dominican Women’s Dating Experiences during Unsettled Times,” Katie M. Duarte, Brown University SPRING 2023 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS, AND COMMUNITIES DIVISION NEWS PAGE # “Perimenopause Narrative Construction in Doctor-patient Interactions,” Isabella A. Chiareli, The University of Oklahoma “Sexpertise: The Pursuit of Adult Sexual Socialization and Learning,” Savannah Bastian, Vanderbilt University “The Development of Sexual Selves through the Life Course: Gender Differences among Straight Men and Women,” Beth Montemurro, Penn State Abington “Toward and Away: The Affective Dissonance of Queer People and Their Parental Relationships across the Lifespan,” Grace Pappas, Portland State University VI. Acknowledgements A big “thank you!” to the following individuals for their service to the Division and SSSP this year. Annual Meeting Session Organizers, Discussants and Presiders: Lillian T. Jungleib, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Lloyd Klein, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY Rafia Javaid Mallick, Georgia State University Alan Santinele Martino, University of Calgary Hannah Regan, Case Western Reserve University Kyle Shupe, University of Cincinnati Jinsun Yang, University of Oregon alithia zamantakis, Northwestern University SPRING 2023 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, POLITICS, AND COMMUNITIES DIVISION NEWS PAGE #