SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WELFARE DIVISION NEWS SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS – SPRING 2018 DIVISION CHAIR: William Cabin, CHAIR: (2017-2019), Assistant Professor, Social Work, College of Public Health, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. Email: AND Inside this issue: Note from the Chair Member News & Accomplishments SSWD Members on the Job Market Student Paper Competition Open Positions Newsletter Contributions Invited Note from the Chair Greetings SSWD members! I hope you all are doing well. Our main focus is the upcoming annual meeting this August in Philadelphia. I hope you all can attend. The sessions should be finalized by mid-February. Sincerely Bill Bill Cabin, JD, Ph.D., MSW, MPH ------------------------2---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Member News and Accomplishments Recent Publications * Melissa Osborne (2018). “Who gets ‘Housing First’?:Eligibility determination in an era of Housing First homelessness.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. * Joan Maya Mazelis (2017). Surviving poverty: Creating sustainable ties among the poor. NYU Press. * Gross, Christi L., Jacob Church, Tiffany Taylor, and Jackuelyn Towne- Rose. (Forthcoming 2018). “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”: The constraints of Welfare-to-work bureaucracies.” Poverty & Public Policy. * Taylor, Tiffany, Brianna Turgeon, & Christi L. Gross. (Forthcoming 2018). “Helpers ‘Here on the frontlines’: Welfare-to-Work managers’ moral identity work.” Symbolic Interaction. * Taylor, Tiffany, Christi L. Gross, and Brianna Turgeon. (Forthcoming 2018). “Becoming a good welfare manager: Paternalistic oppressive othering and Neo-liberal boundary maintenance.” Sociological Focus 51(4). Awards and Announcements JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WELFARE IS: Looking for reviewers. If interested, please contact: Looking for analyses of the impact of the Trump presidency on any aspect of social welfare for a possible future Special issue. Contact: SSWD Members on the Job Market No News Graduate Student Paper Competition Winner! Caitlin Carey has won our graduate student paper competition. Caitlin is a PhD candidate in the Department of Public Policy and Research Assistant in the Center for Public Policy at the John M. McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies at the University of Massachusetts-Boston. Her paper will be presented at the August 2018 conference. It is entitled: “Hostile Architecture Aimed at the Homeless in Boston, Massachusetts: A Spatial Analysis.” CONGRATULATIONS Caitlin. If you are a graduate student, it’s not too early to think of possibly submitting your paper for next year so think about it. Open Positions NO NEWS. Let me know if you have anything to post for our next issue Newsletter Contributions Invited We encourage members to submit news such as publications, new appointments, and other professional accomplishments for inclusion in a future newsletter. Suggestions and inquiries about less conventional content are also welcome— consider editorials, book reviews, teaching notes, department/program profiles, calls for contributions to journals and edited books, obituaries… Please direct such inquires to the current Division Chair, Bill Cabin at: 3